Section 194J_Interpretation

Section 194J_Interpretation

Finance Act 2020 - TDS under section 194 J FA 2020 has introduced lower rate of deduction @ 2% instead of 10%, under section 194J, if the service is in the nature of: For the part of royalty, there...

Valuation Rules 11UA amended

Valuation Rules 11UA amended

Valuation u/r 11UA (2)(b) of Income-tax Rules, 1962 (‘the Rules’) by a Chartered Accountant removed The valuation rules specified under Rule 11U, Rule 11UA, Rule 11UAA and Rule 11UB for various...

Thin capitalisation

Thin capitalisation

Thin Capitalisation Rules under the Income-tax provisions (section 94B of Income-tax Act, 1961) ‘Thin Capitalisation’ is a situation where an entity is financed at a relatively high level of debt...